House of the Argentinean Provinces

House of Argentinean Provinces
Buenos Aires city has an important civic axis along Avenida de Mayo, including the Congreso de la Nación, the Plaza de los Dos Congresos, the Cabildo, Plaza de Mayo, and the Casa de Gobierno. The conceptual extension of this axis towards the Rio de la Plata through the Puente de la Mujer, and the Plaza Reina de Holanda, suggests that the property assigned to this competition must have institutional use.
The location of the -proposed- House of the Provinces is thus conceived to reinforce the concept of the federal country, supported by the National Constitution.
This will be a permeable public building with open spaces such as terraces and plazas plus a multi-height lobby for events.
The style symbolically combines the old building with advanced intelligent contemporary design.
It will contain office spaces for each of the country’s provinces, as well as shared use areas, such as exhibition centers, conference rooms, meeting rooms that can be used to develop trade, tourism, folklore, culture, and the regional gastronomy where each province will have the opportunity to culturally and economically extend to the world, given that Puerto Madero has always been the point of international attraction, due to the radial organization of the routes, the railway lines and even the mouths of the rivers which are distributed towards this point. As a result, the House of Provinces will become a portal where they can finally have their international significance in a more equitable way.

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