Category: Sustainable Architecture
Inhospitable world that lies ahead, caused by the indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources, which leads us to a change in attitude towards the use of the land. Natural disasters we have been experiencing in recent years, tell us that we must not only stop the aggression, but we must defend ourselves from the natural reaction in response to our attack; as in the Middle Ages, the walled city could be the last resort and the ocean, our next habitat.
Our building has a three-dimensional shell of reinforced concrete, inverted bell-shaped and perforated open to the sky in one side; the slight tilt allows the entry of sunlight and prevents the prevailing winds in the area, provide an habitat conducive to farming and people.
inside, clusters of micro communities are located attached to the vertical circulation, consisting of 15-story buildings with self-contained residential units, offices and daily commerce; all this is surrounded by a living structure that provides the residents of the green space required to oxygenate and create a micro-climate that is right at the highest levels. These structures will be used as farms and community gardens.
Each housing unit has its own fully-connected to the outside world by worldwide network, leading to a decentralization of urban and energy saving mass transit.
Economic and cultural exchange occurs on the bridges that connect the central vertical core with peripherals, placed at various levels in a cross, serving as inter-neighborhood connection with schools, supermarkets, entertainment facilities and communal agencies inside as well as outdoor plazas on their roofs.
These bridges, also serve to unburden the towers to the structure perimeter, separating each tower to reduce the size of the support columns.
The base of the concrete perimeter wall is submerged in the sea, and in it are the waste recycling plants, which turn into gas that provides energy to the complex. There is also the water treatment plant will be reused for irrigation of cropland.
The roof of each tower and blinds perimeter units are equipped with photo-voltaic panels with the function of heating, cooling and electricity to the building complex.
An interior lagoon is located at sea level and connected by dikes levelers, acting as a harbor, protected from waves and tides, which is used as a reserve fire tank and photo-voltaic’s battery.
proposed technologies:
Growing vegetable gardens are suspended from a living basket created from a bundle of logs and branches through the use of synthetic biology, creating an organism programmed to behave like a computer, from grafts placed around the vertical circulation ducts fed land that is fertilized in the high places of the horizontal connectors. These products also play the role of exchange and recycling of waste located in the submerged levels of the building.
Artificial photosynthesis will be used through various procedures to achieve efficient and cheap power. Under the artificial lake located in the float level, is a laboratory that developed the separation of hydrogen and oxygen during light phase photosynthesis to replace oil as an energy source and get water very efficiently.
Dark phase of photosynthesis seek artificial catalysts that produce fuel from the carbon dioxide or its derivatives.
Domotics omoticswill be used in energy saving, comfort, security, communications and accessibility, using a mixed architecture, which allows individual devices incorporate diverse market that provides a centralized structure that promotes energy saving building and be flexible to technological changes that lie ahead.
Finally, the shape of the wall upward spiral, it is proposed to support the growth of population, whose foundation is expanding towards the Earth’s crust created underwater by living tissue using synthetic biology.